Sunday, November 20

it sad to leave..

okay.. hari ni adalah ahri sedih.. masa tu melayan perasaan sedih sebab kena balik segamat.. *sigh ;(.. the tears just coming down easily.. it is so sad to leave people that i love. specially the person that i love the  most. iskandar dzulkarnaen. while writing this post i listening to the script. the title is i'm yours..

okay..its totally make me cry.. it just so sad to leave.. it just so sad to leave.. its hard.. its really hard.. the time we spent together is not enough.. the memories that i will bring with me is to much.. banyak sgt kenangan.. theres a lot of memories.. the tears just coming down easily.. how am i gonna cope with my life back without him? try to be independent like usual.. try to take care of myself.. tadi g beli barang pun dgn dia..dia pilih kan pen, dia pilih kan sabun, dia tolong pilihkn hanger, dia tolong pilihkan sepit baju, dia tolong pikir patut ke tak beli.. everything is him.. the tears just coming down heavily.. its all about him.. what am i supposed to do now?? g mana2 dia hantar.. nak g keje pun dia hantar.. nak g exam pun dia hantar.. dia sanggup bangun pagi2.. sedih.. i am totally sad.. sedih.. nanges kuar air mata entah berapa baldi entah..i just love u b... i just love u so damn much.. more than everything... mcm lagu ni b.. walaupun tak pandai nak luah kan perasaan, walaupun tak pandai layan b dengan baik, walaupun banyak bad things bout me, im yours b.. it just so sad to leave.. walaupun kdg2 b pikir ney ade laki lain.. tak pe lah.. as long as i know that i'm yours b.. i'm yours.. take care love :iskandar dzulkarnaen, i love you: zulaikha

this face that i will miss:

and also this face:

and again this face
my love: