Thursday, May 19

second chance

okay, sebenarnya tak tw nk bg title ape untuk this entry, cz mcm hati ni kacau bilau tak tahu nak cerita pasal ape..bukan tak tahu just mcm terlalu banyak sgt yg nak di express kan dengan menggunakan not good in explaining what i feel in talking..i more prefer in words..sebab tu lah kalo gadoh ke suke je hanta msj panjang2 bia jenuh org tertentu nak bace..hahaha...

okay ape yang korang  paham about second chance..what do u understand about the second do u interpret the second chance words..for me second chance is giving a new opportunities to start something can be anything, such as love, study, friendship or anything that relate to ur own life.. everyone make a mistake..everyone is not perfect..but it doesn't mean that someone can eventually hurt someone..for a reason i'm not perfect, so what do u expect??hello..that is not the way..yes everyone is not perfect..but each every one can try atleast minimize to make fault..

but it doesn't means that someone that make fault is bad..okay its the matter of life..the matter of respect to each other..its the matter of forgiveness.. i know may be its hard for you as the readers to give a second chance if someone cheat on u or anything.. for me sometimes the second chance can change everything, everything..okay i have been in this situation before.. it is really hard to face.. honestly it is really hard.. 

ade sesetengah kawan ckp dah la zulaikha just end it..or ade ckp may be dia perlukan masa untuk memilih, ade cakap tinggalkan saja, ada cakap he is useless all that negative thinking.. but the main point is u are the one that in the problems..u are the one that face it..u are the one that will make a decision for your own life.. other people does not know what you feel..other people don't understand what u think..other people just can give their opinion based on their perception..perception that they think the best for u..but at the end is u are the only one that make the decision..

and at the end is, i make a decision to give a second is not because of sympathy or just about love.. that someone may be need a second chance to prove to me that he can be the best for me.. he can change.. he change the bad atmosphere between us.. honestly, it takes a lot of time to recover.. a lot of tears,  a lot of anger but at the end the second chance can give a smile in your face..    

okay, after all its depends on individual..ia bergantung kepada individu mcm mana nak paham ape gunanya second chance in their life.. ade orang ckp alah, ko dah kena sekali buat ape nak percaya lagi, ade orang ckp bodoh la bagi second chance ni, tak de ape2 perubahan, ade orang cakap patut bagi..its all individual opinion.. but everyone learn from mistakes, and everyone want to change.. and this is point of view..hahah..sorry if mcm agak pening2 ke bace.. ;)

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